M.anwap.love is a website where you can stream and download free movies, TV series, and music. The website offers different types of movies , such as Bollywood movies, Hollywood movies, South movies, web series, and more.
Overview of m.anwap.love
m.anwap.love is a subdomain of Anwap.love. IPv4 address that link to this hostname is 185. 162. 11. 194. The site is hosted on the servers in Netherlands and nginx webserver application is used for running the site.
m.anwap.love |
Global Rank | 7.66M |
Country Rank | 481 |
Category Rank | – – |
Understand where a website’s audience comes from and what devices visitors prefer to use. On m.anwap.love, desktops drive 4.5% of visits, while 95.5% of visitors come from phone devices.
A majority of the audience prefers these types of websites because they get free streaming. Bollywood, Hindi dubbed movies, and Hollywood movies are screening options that visitors can savor here.
As per SimilarWeb, the total number of visits in the last three month
M.anwap.love Traffic and Engagement
It the website’s performance against your competitors by possession track of key indicators of onsite performance. In June it received 7.66M visits with an average session duration of 06:30. Compared to the last traffic to m.anwap.love has decreased by -27%.
In total, the website responded with a total of 7.4 million visits from both the desktop as well as the mobile. In one month, it received visits where the visitor views only this page and exits the website without viewing any other page, with a 69.03%bounce rate. The average number of pages per visit is 2.63, Average length of the site visit is 2:19sec.
M.anwap.love Top Traffic Sources
The shares of Organic Search traffic were 53.25 percent, which is from desktop visits going to m.anwap. love. With 53.25% making it to the highest traffic of that month. So the second highest traffic source is Direct traffic, which is recorded to 31.81 percent, followed by Others at 29 percent. A decrease in traffic shares was observed, and the regularity share reached the level of total traffic. Paid Search is one of the channels that is not given the attention it deserves and is not maximally exploite.
M.anwap.love Competitors
Reveal anwap.love top alternatives and find potential or emerging competitors. marionetka.com is the website with the highest similarity score to m.anwap.love.
Compare m.anwap.love to: |
marionetka.com | 1.5M |
kinomashka.cc | 478.9K |
kinomasha.com | 334K |
kinoleha.net | 269.1K |
anwapp.org | 46.6K |
M.anwap.love Website Traffic by Country
Analyze the worldwide visitor distribution on your competitor’s website and explore available markets. M.anwap.love’s core audience is located in the Russian Federation, followed by Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
Country | All devices | Desktop | Mobile | |
Russian Federation | 45.94% | 3.52M | 4.82% | 95.18% |
Kazakhstan | 25.13% | 1.93M | 0.20% | 99.80% |
Ukraine | 20.00% | 1.53M | 3.28% | 96.72% |
Moldova | 2.03% | 155.16K | 1.97% | 98.03% |
Belarus | 1.45% | 111.44K | 2.65% | 97.35% |
Similar Domain Names like m.anwap.love
Websites sharing identical domain names, suggesting related or comparable web addresses.
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Commonly Questions and Their Answers
Is m.anwap safe, legit, and trustworthy?
Currently, we did not have enough information to determine whether m.anwap is safe, legit or trustworthy.
Is m.anwap safe for children?
We do not have enough information to determine whether m.anwap is safe for kids.
What country does m.anwap.love come from?
m.anwap.love has its servers located in the Netherlands.
What webserver software does m.anwap.love use?
Therefore, the website of m.anwap power by “nginx” webserver.
It is a website for movie lovers who wish to watch newly released films, and it does not cost any money. It provides the movie as soon as they are released. This article contains comprehensive details about m.anwap.love, including its traffic, ranking, audience, and competitors that will help you analyze the site.